On projects

Information on attained projects

Feuerstein to the Slovak Prison System

A very important moment in the ATC project activities took place in connection with the excellent cooperation with the Prison Service of the Czech Republic in the form of establishing cooperation with the Prison and Court Guard Service of the Slovak Republic (ZVJS SR).
Our main goal in this project is to provide support to special educators, psychologists, educators and other members of the Prison and Court Guard Service throughout Slovakia, who are in charge of resocialization and re-education of convicts. The support we provide is education in the method of Feuerstein's instrumental enrichment. In this way, they will gain an effective tool and skills for effectively influencing the cognitive development of convicts. Thanks to Feuerstein's instrumental enrichment, they will have the opportunity to influence the most needed internal motivation of convicts to achieve a basic or even higher level of education and to change their own life outside prison. /The project is implemented with the support of Bader Philanthropies, Inc./

More projects

Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the, ATC is implementing a project enabling more than 150 socially disadvantaged pupils from the entire Czech Republic to benefit from work with the instrumental awareness method (MIA).
We continue to bring the method of instrumental awareness to children's (care) homes.

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