On projects

Information on attained projects

Food for Your Body and Mind – Phase 1

With the kind support of Bader Philanthropies, Inc., we launched the "Food for Your Body and Mind - Phase 1" project for the Food Bank for Prague and the Central Bohemian Region in June 2020.
Our intention is to offer FIE it and other cooperating non-profit organizations and their members as a functional tool for cooperation with clients. The method has the potential to improve the quality of life of food bank clients and allied organizations that target socially disadvantaged people and strive to improve their unfavorable social situation. /The project is supported by Bader Philanthropies, Inc./

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Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the, ATC is implementing a project enabling more than 150 socially disadvantaged pupils from the entire Czech Republic to benefit from work with the instrumental awareness method (MIA).
We continue to bring the method of instrumental awareness to children's (care) homes.

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