On projects

Information on attained projects

MIA in tutoring socially disadvantaged pupils

Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within the investment 3.2.3 of the National Recovery Plan, the ATC has been implementing a project of the National Recovery Plan in 2023, during which more than 150 socially disadvantaged pupils from the entire Czech Republic can use the instrumental awareness method to improve and develop cognitive functions, strengthen social competences and school habits. The goal of the project is to support socially disadvantaged pupils at risk of school failure and early school leaving in their interest in learning and education, and thus create conditions for their further successful educational progress. Teachers, special and social pedagogues, school psychologists and teaching assistants trained in the FIE or MIA method will use the method for tutoring socially disadvantaged pupils in their schools. A total of 11 schools throughout the Czech Republic participated in the project.

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We continue to bring the method of instrumental awareness to children's (care) homes.
Another organization with which we established cooperation was the workplaces of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic in the South Bohemian Region.

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